AEC- I Decide – Quick Updates
August 30, 2012
I decided that the best way to send out info on what we are doing is in short notes. Summer is a really busy season for us and this year, with my very romantic older daughter’s wedding to a very romantic (and wonderful) young man, has been particularly busy.
We had tables and booths at many venues, several weeks at Bainbridge park;  Spirit Fest and the Blueberry Festival in Coventry; Spiedie Fest in Binghamton and the Otsego County Fair and just last weekend at Landmark Church in Binghamton’s with lots of traffic and great feedback.  Gave a presentation at Women Aglow and through them will be in Tioga this Sunday.
Am working with the International Aspire Foundation with Anne Archer, author and editor to put together our M.O.M. – Model, Organizer, Mentor book. She has been terrific. We still need stories though, so if you have a good mom story, please contact me.   Attached are pics from the Otsego fair, Bainbridge park and Treasure at Landmark Church. God bless, Arline Saiki
     It's hard to believe half of the year 2012 is past.  At Toastmasters I gave a talk on "The Danger of Ignorance".  It was very well receive and prompted many to think about the importance of teaching and living with purity, integrity, and truth.
     The after school program at SJJUMC in Johnson City has been put on hold due to family health issues in the pastor's family.  Eventually, I will be sharing life skills with a small group of girls and I'm working on an anger management presentation.  Our church youth group is doing small groups on being totally committed to God's Will. 
     Rock Solid after school program is being revamped into a discipleship group.  Plans are in the works for this summer, as we continue to meet on Friday afternoons with the teens.
     Circle of Friends resumes in September.  We had a wonderful time of celebration with a picnic of burgers, fries and pastries at our June Meeting.
   .  Please keep us in prayer and many thanks for all of your support.
God bless,