Where It Starts

Lack of self-respect   -  Poor self-image  -  Academic problems  -  ADD/ADHD  -  Need for supervision  -  Poor role models  -  Peer pressure  -  Need for support  -  Lack of communication skills  -  Lack of social skills  -  Poor dietary habits

Where It Can Go

Addictions  - Abuse  -  Depression  -  Disease (physical, mental, emotional, spiritual)  -  Dropping out of school  -  Dependency on the state
(welfare)  -  Difficulty in getting and holding a job  -  Criminal behavior  -  Obesity  -  Cutting  -  Teen Pregnancy  -  Abortions  -  Suicide


How We Can Help

Develop character   -   Provide Support  -  Teach Life skills  -  Help improve self-image  -  Encourage self-respect  -  Encourage Self-control  -  Healthy eating habits  -  Healthy relationships  -  Good communication skills