Merry Christmas and a Joyous New Year!
Posted by Abstinence Education Council on Sunday, December 30, 2012
Thanks to all for your help and support this year!
Our Circle of Friends girls' club in Burlington Flats continues to meet, usually monthly. We have several new girls this year.
We were again invited to Binghamton University to have a table at their Community Fair. Because all high risk behaviors can cause cancer, we used that as our theme and a woman passing by made the remark "good approach". We have great material from Humana for teens through adults. Please let me know if you would like us to do a 90 minute presentation.
Last year Davis College did not have it's annual Christmas party due to the flooding. This year we participated with their goodie bags with Jeremiah 29:11 magnets (attached is a picture). Providentially, Justin Bieber's mom (Pattie Mallett) just came out with her book, in which she explains how she, a drug and alcohol addicted, non-believing, single teen mom, had her life turned around by that Scripture. She was lying in intensive care after trying to commit suicide and a Christian counselor visited her, gave her that verse and it changed her life. (We are offering these for a donation of $2 for 2 to cover shipping and handling)
We have been asked to give a "What is Love" workshop for teens in Ilion in February. They are expecting 35-50 kids.
We have two new volunteers, Joanne Sirtoli, a nurse from West Winfield and Kendra Dutkowsky, who used to be in my Venturing Crew. Welcome to both!
A student organization from Binghamton University wants to partner with us in the Binghamton area school system. They liked all three of the projects we offered them: "What is Beauty" for 8-12 girls'; "Girl Talk" middle school girls; and "What is Love" for teens; so they are checking out the schools to see where the interest might be. We are so grateful for their help and interest and will keep you updated. We plan to start in mid- January.
Just a final comment on the devastation at the Sandy Hook grade school. An army psychologist was on Fox TV the other day and pointed out that violent video games use the same methods as he does to teach soldiers to kill - training, desensitization and conditioning. Our society has become toxic. We need to encourage good character, and self-control.
God bless you all at Christmas and in the New Year.
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