AEC- I Decide

The Choices You Make Today, Will DECIDE Your Tomorrow!

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Showing Tag: " birth control pills" (Show all posts)

Healthy Mind, Healthy Body, Happy Life

Posted by Abstinence Education Council on Friday, January 16, 2015,
We are "creatures of habit" and what we think, say, and do on a regular basis, impacts our life whether for good or bad. Abstinence education is about making good educated choices and avoiding the bad..
It is, for example, a terrible thing that birth control pills are regularly doled out to girls and women for a multitude of things, despite the fact that they are classified a Group 1 carcinogen by the World Health Organization. Unfortunately, because there are groups who profit from our ignora...
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Fall Update - AEC featured on today!

Posted by Abstinence Education Council on Thursday, November 15, 2012,
AEC was unexpectedly suddenly invited to be interviewed on the internet's program. I was able to give out information about our organization and our initiatives like the M.O.M., Model, Organizer, Mentor workbook that we are working on and the "Trash Cancer" program which we have started to work with. I was also able to give out information like the fact that one out of four adults by the age of 25, will get an STD and one out of 10 couples are infertile and that STDs can cau...
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May 11, 2012

Tara Coles is the recipient of the grand prize package of the Moms In Business Grant.  The press release is online at

Congratulations to Tara!  We are sorry we didn't win but Tara did an amazing job. She just blew everyone away with her energy, her generosity and her social media skills. She really deserved this prize.

AEC did raise over $2000 and I learned so much from trying to pick up social media. I have dozens of followers on Twitter now and offers for help from a few of them.

Next on our schedule is a table at the Good Shepherd Episcopal Church's health fair in Binghamton. We were part of it last year and our band "Treasure" will be playing again. I will (hopefully) remember my camera and take pics.

God bless,

April 27, 2012,

Lots of challenges when it comes to abstinence education. I've been taking many webinars and getting lots of coaching from them and from Gina Robison at Moms in Business and today I got this e-mail when I inquired about a mentor with one group. I asked them if I could put it on my blog without giving their name because it is so illustrative of what we face.

Dear Arline,

Thank you for your email.  I’m glad you found the webinar useful.

As to getting a mentor, I can assure you we are trying hard to find one for you.  However, it is proving quite a challenge as the aims of the organization you represent are not acceptable to some people – in fact, I have already had 3 potential mentors turn you down as a mentee. I will keep trying though and hope to find one for you eventually.

I hope this clarifies matters.



Thank you so much for your help and your frank reply. I certainly appreciate the fact that you are willing to help us as this is exactly the problem we face. Many people will not tolerate our organization despite the fact that we help girls avoid the consequences of promiscuity and unwed motherhood, which are: sexually transmitted diseases (and diseases like cancer which result), heartbreak, depression, infertility, and lifelong poverty, not to mention the impact of these problems on subsequent generations. We realize that it is ignorance of the reality of the results of poor life choices and the fact that most people live their lives and make their decisions based on agendas which are primarily aimed at being politically correct and/or for profit. The peculiar thing is that there are few people, if any, in this atmosphere who would condemn anti-smoking campaigns or programs which teach good citizenship. Yet, abstinence is all about self-respect, self-control, and goal-setting, vital skills for every walk of life and in any and all situations.

I know that this is not everyone's viewpoint however, as illustrated by our acceptance as semi-finalists for the second year in a row with the National Moms In Business Crowdfunding Grant competition and by your own assistance and by funding from such groups as the Stewart Shops Foundation.

Thank you again for your assistance.




 Abstinence Education Council 2013

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