The Choices You Make Today, Will DECIDE Your Tomorrow!

Choosing PURITY, the KEY to a happy and healthy future.

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AEC-I Decide's mission is to reduce high risk behaviors particularly regarding issues related to human sexuality, with emphasis on abstinence before marriage, against alcohol abuse, illegal drug use and some legal additive drug use including opiods, destructive behaviors such as cutting and eating disorders by educating members of our community about making choices which are best for individuals, families, and the community as a whole, for their future happiness, health and success. (Broome, Chenango, Delaware, Herkimer, Otsego and Tioga Counties in Central NY)
M.J.M. wrote “I would like to thank you for the fantastic workshop on How to Develop Good Character in Your Children and Why. The feedback was extremely positive, and everyone found your workshop very helpful for their current situation as well as for their future.”
"Thank you for coming. I wish you had been here before I got into trouble" Candlehouse Rehab Center
"It was the best day of my life!" - ("What is Beauty" for 8-12 year olds) New Berlin, NY 2011
Secular and faith-based presentations and workshops for children, teens, young adults and parents are available.
A+ Teams in schools and youth groups as accountability groups to help each other to remain abstinent from drugs, alcohol abuse, destructive behaviors, abstinence from pre-marital sex to maintain purity, integrity and truth.
Programs are free, but donations are always gratefully accepted.
7 KEYS to choosing a happy, healthy, successful life*
1. Choose to smile!
- You can't be angry, unhappy or depressed if you smile.
(Physiological fact: "Studies have shown that when you smile, pressure is put on certain nerve points in your face that release endorphins, which create a sense of well-being and happiness")*
2. Choose to spend time with your family.
- "No man is an island" - someday, sometime, you will need a safe haven. Make friends with your family, now.
3. Choose your friends wisely.
- Watch out for "wolves in sheep's clothing". People are not always what they seem to be.
4. Choose to study/work hard.
- "Make every day your masterpiece!" Coach John Wooden
5. Choose modesty in speech, behavior and clothing.
- People judge you on how you look, act, speak, dress, AND what you say on Facebook. What seems fun or funny at 18 can lose you a job at 28. NOTE: New Babbading! app searches Facebook for pics showing the most skin which may end up on porn sites. **
6. Choose to volunteer.
- It's study-proven to make you happier and healthier!
7. Choose to discover God.
Attending religious services at least once a week is a "protective factor"!
Good character traits increase the likelihood of abstinence by 90%!
*Based on Search Institute's developmental assets, protective factors and research.
AEC-I Decide, 511 Oakdale Road, Johnson City, NY 13970 Phone: 607/433-1730 & 607/797-3018
Copyright 2010-2017 AEC-I Decide
One out of every 10 couples is now infertile. Infertility is often the result of STDs. The best choice in a relationship is a monogamous relationship for life.
Children are a blessing in a stable, married relationship and the foundation of a healthy society.