The Choices You Make Today, Will DECIDE Your Tomorrow!
Newsletter On-line Winter 2020
God bless you in the powerful life-saving and only name that can save us, Christ Jesus. We have been continually bombarded with the news about the worldwide virus that would even stifle believers from meeting. The Directors of AEC, Vincent and Deborah Ferraccioli, want to thank all of you for your financial support and your prayers for us.
The coronavirus has become the main headline, often taking up 90% of the ABC, NBC, CBS and Fox network national news time. Our Governor has stated that he will NOT impose a quarantine of an entire city. I believe even he sees this as too much like a police state mentality, such as Nazi Germany or the Soviet Union had. Governor Cuomo has said that roads are not being shutdown and that people can travel for groceries, medical visits and supplies, essentials, etc. The gatherings for groups has been limited to no larger than ten (per Federal recommendation) or fifty (per New York State mandate). We were surprised to find 95% of churches were not having services in their church buildings with their congregations attending this weekend. Consider that the majority of Christian churches in America have less than fifty attendees! Matter of fact: the average number of attendees at any church in America is less than twenty-five. I believe that people are gripped with fear and unbelief. When the plagues were rampant in Egypt before Moses took the Jewish nation across the Red Sea, not one Jewish person (including their first born), or Jewish owned livestock died because they were under the covering of the Creator of the universe.
II Samuel 22:3-4 My God, my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield, and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold and my refuge, my savior; you save me from violence. I call upon the LORD, who is worthy to be praised, and I am saved from my enemies. Since your children are at home, parents teach this to them.
Hebrews 13:5 Keep your life free from love of money, and be content with what you have, for he has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” The love of money is the root of all evil.
Psalm 91:1-3 He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say to the LORD, “My refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.” For he will deliver you from the snare of the fowler and from the deadly pestilence. Pray without ceasing.
Luke 21:11 There will be great earthquakes, and in various places, famines and pestilences. And there will be terrors and great signs from heaven.
The spread of sicknesses such as Ebola, swine flu and the coronavirus is a foretaste of pandemics that will be part of the end times. Jesus referred to future plagues associated with the last days. We live in a fallen world that includes the appearance of pandemic diseases, famines, pestilences and wars. For those who do not know Christ Jesus as Lord and Savior, disease should be a reminder that life on this earth is tenuous and can be lost at any moment. As bad as pandemics are, hell will be worse. The Christian, however, has the assurance of salvation and the hope of eternity because the blood of Christ shed on the cross for us paid the full price.
How should Christians respond to pandemic diseases? First, do not panic. God is in control. The Father, Jesus and the angels stated “do not fear” or “fear not” over 300 times in the Bible. Second, be wise. Take reasonable steps to avoid exposure to any disease and to protect and provide for your family. Third, look for opportunities for ministry. Often when people are fearful for their lives, they are more willing to have conversations about eternity. Be bold and compassionate in your sharing of the Gospel, always speaking the TRUTH IN LOVE. Last but not least, submit yourselves to God, resist the devil and he shall flee. Since we started writing this Newsletter, bus travel into and out of Broome County has been banned.
Getting the Abstinence Message Out
For several years, my husband and I have had a heart for those who need to be brought up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. We have reached out in many church venues to get the attention of leaders, parents and people to have eyes to see, ears to hear and hearts to receive the Word and will of Almighty God. Throughout the Holy Bible, His heart expresses His great Love for all of His creation. Unfortunately, there is an evil force that has come against Him and those He cherishes. It began in the Garden of Eden when satan rebelled against our Father in Heaven. We have so much in our heart to share, but there has been much opposition for us sharing it, not just in the world, but in the churches. In the week of the ‘40 Days For Life’ & ‘Seek God for the City 2020’ kickoff, I, Deborah, woke up with the verses “Be Thou My Vision” and “Oh, Ruler of All”. It hit me that our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ has given His church the keys of death and hell, but where is His power being demonstrated? Why are some churches taking His name above all names out? Some won’t allow the church to be a house of prayer or to have true worship? Why don’t they allow “The Daily Bread” to be given when Christ is our Daily Bread? Why aren’t our testimonies shared since we are saved by the Blood of the Lamb and the Word of our testimony? Why do they call Mary, the mother of God when God has no beginning? Why don’t some believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God? Why would churches allow gay marriage when God says marriage consists of one man and one woman? Why would they say that they are pro-choice, when God says choose life? Why be a church if we are not standing for His truth, His Holiness, His Righteousness and His Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven? Souls need to be saved and healed. Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness …. (Matthew 6:33).
II Chronicles 7:14 If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
If the churches (Christians are His people) don’t repent, the innocent blood of Christ will be on their hands. False teachers teach that we don’t need the baptism of the Holy Spirit, but it is only through receiving the Holy Spirit that we can get to heaven. When filled with the Holy Spirit, we are His forever. Nobody can be snatched out of His hands. God is greater than satan. There is no more Jew, no more Gentile, no more slave, no more free, no more male, no more female. Once we are truly born-again, we are one body and Christ is the Head. Every single life matters to God including those in the womb! Children are a blessing from the Lord. Please stop the lies. We need to examine ourselves and be honest with each other.
Please pray and fast for the deaf and dumb spirit to be cast out forever! It is not people we wrestle against; it is demons. Praying for all to know Christ Jesus (John 10:10), and to be set free from sin and death.
We have been searching for a black shawl and a santa dish (that were given to me by two dear friends), two mini charms (an angel & a set of books) that fell out of my charm necklace, and a gold dove holding an olive branch that fell off a chain that Vince gave to me after I was born-again. Most recently the Lord showed me that His people need to search for lost souls with that kind of urgency and never give up. The black shawl = mourning for the lost souls including babies. Santa dish = secular versus spiritual gifts. Angel = messenger from God. Books = Bible study (II Timothy 2:15). Dove = Holy Spirit promise of eternal life. Olive branch = healing for nations.
May God bless all of you with health and prosperity and awaken His Spirit in you as you celebrate Jesus Christ’s resurrection from the dead this upcoming Resurrection Sunday. Please look for our next newsletter in June of this year. Please consider supporting us in prayer and financially. AEC is a 501-C3 non-profit organization. GOD BLESS you all and thank you for your prayers and support. (II Timothy 1:7) Vince & Deb Ferraccioli - Directors
“The Christian religion, in its purity, is the basis, or rather the source of all genuine freedom in government...and I am persuaded that no civil government of a republican form can exist and be durable in which the principles of that religion have not a controlling influence.” (II Timothy 3:16-17) Noah Webster – Connecticut House of Representatives & Publisher
of 1828 American Dictionary of the English Language
Newsletter On-line Autumn 2019
God bless you in the saving and healing name above all names, Christ Jesus. We thank you for your support, as we are engulfed in the Christmas season with all the lights, carols and get-togethers. The Directors of AEC, Vincent and Deborah Ferraccioli, want to thank all of you for your financial support and your prayers for us.
As we live in New York State, we are having confusing signals being sent to us as state citizens!
Governor Cuomo has outlawed the sale of vaping cigarettes to minors, due to the deaths that they have been linked to and because 27% of high schoolers are now using these lethal additive items.
That is a GREAT move on the part of Governor Cuomo. We are seeing GREAT commercials on TV by the New York State Department of Health related to the many issues and illnesses associated with smoking cigarettes. There are a number of VERY misguided lawmakers including the Governor that want to legalize recreational marijuana. NOT a good idea.
First of all, the vaping deaths have all been tied to vaping with marijuana. Second: The history of what has happened in Colorado should not be taken lightly!
1. For every dollar received in tax revenue for sales of marijuana, Colorado has spent $4.50 in litigation related to accidents, violence, anger and addiction management and rehabilitation, etc.
2. 86% of the victims used vaping with THC - the psychoactive component of marijuana.
3. Five years of Big Marijuana ushered in a doubling in the number of drivers involved in fatal crashes who tested positive for marijuana, based on research by the pro-legalization Denver Post. This claim appears to be taken from an August 2017 report by the Denver Post, which read: "The
number of drivers involved in fatal crashes in Colorado who tested positive for marijuana has risen sharply each year since 2013, more than doubling in that time, federal and state data show." THC (the key component of cannabis) can stay in a person’s bloodstream for weeks after
usage, meaning that a driver can still be impaired at the time of a fatal accident days or weeks after usage, unlike alcohol.
4. From January 2013 (a month after personal cannabis use became legal) to January 2017, there has been a 12.2 percent increase in homelessness directly tied to increase in marijuana use. This homelessness is the sixth-highest in-state increase in homelessness in the nation.
5. Five years of commercial pot have been five years of more marijuana in schools than teachers and administrators ever feared. Reported by the Rocky Mountain affiliate of PBS: Over the past four years the number of drug violations 'reported' by Colorado’s K-12 schools have increased 45 percent.” The PBS investigation also discovered “an increase in high school drug violations of 71 percent since legalization.”
Why would Governor Cuomo and every lawmaker in Albany ever consider, or even vote on a measure, to legalize recreational marijuana? If recreational marijuana is legalized with this known data, then our leaders may be guilty of murder, inciting violence, vehicular and property damage. We the people of New York State could file a class-action lawsuit against each and everyone of our state legislators for every dollar needed for medical, rehab, property repairs, car replacement, lives lost and tax money used. Promoting recreational marijuana will not be meeting the "general welfare clause" in the U.S. Constitution, or Article XVII Social Welfare (public health) in the New York State Constitution. Therefore, they will be violating the United States Constitution and the New York State Constitution, and endangering the health and welfare of the citizens of New York State. Please forward this to ALL the New York State Senators and Assembly people in Albany.
Getting the Abstinence Message Out
AEC continues to work to reach various groups with the truth about choices. We have increased our list of contacts that receive our newsletter. AEC had a successful table at the 'Friends Helping Friends' fundraising benefit for non-profit organizations on Wednesday October 16th. This event not only raises funds, but establishes additional contacts with parents, concerned citizens and other organizations for possible presentations, receiving our newsletters, and getting others to be a voice against what is happening in Albany and locally. Our state and country needs to change their ways. Drug abuse, both illegal and legal use, should be curbed, or there may come a time when the drug and alcohol addicts will out-number those that are not addicts.
Our band Treasure ministered with Christmas music on December 5th opening for the Johnson City Christmas Parade.
Please consider supporting us in prayer and financially. AEC is a 501-C3 non-profit organization GOD BLESS you all and thank you for your prayers and support. Vince & Deb Ferraccioli - Directors
Abortions have declined over the last few years in America and New York State. Abortion restrictions were not the main driver of the reduction in the U.S. abortion rate between 2011 and 2017. Rather, the decrease in abortions appears to be related to declines in births and pregnancies overall.
Some sports teams are angering fans with their support of abortion, others are standing strong for unborn
babies’ right to life. On Jan. 11, 2020, Chicago Bears vice president Pat McCaskey will be a keynote speaker at the March for Life Chicago. A devout Catholic and pro-life advocate, McCaskey is the chairman of Sports Faith International. The March for Life Chicago is the largest pro-life gathering in the Midwest, with thousands of people marching peacefully each year for the rights of unborn babies.
New York City has the lowest graduation rate for black and Hispanic male students in the nation, with only 37 percent graduating. Is this supposed to be success?
Oregon high school student who was ordered to go home or cover up a T-shirt emblazoned with a message that backed U.S. President Donald Trump's immigration policy will be paid compensation and issued with an apology. Addison Barnes, 18, was suspended for turning up in January at Liberty School in Hillsboro in a T-shirt that read "Donald J. Trump Border Wall Construction Co." He sued the school, the district and the principal for violating his First Amendment rights. His lawyers announced they had reached a settlement which will include a letter of apology and $25,000 to cover his legal costs.
Among nearly 50,000 eighth, 10th, and 12th graders from the 2018 Arizona Youth Survey, a biennial survey of Arizona secondary school students, one-third (33%) had tried some form of marijuana, and nearly a quarter (24%) had tried marijuana concentrate. Marijuana concentrates have about three times more THC, the constituent of marijuana that causes the "high," than a traditional marijuana flower. This is concerning because higher doses of THC have been linked to increased risk of marijuana addiction, cognitive impairment and psychosis, said the study's lead researcher, Madeline Meier, an ASU assistant professor of psychology.
May God bless all of you with health and prosperity! Have a great and blessed and God-filled winter season. Thank you for your prayers and support. Please look for our next newsletter in March of next year.
“Among the natural rights of colonists are these: First a right to life, secondly to liberty, and thirdly to property; together with the right to defend them in the best manner they can.”
Samuel Adams – Governor of Massachusetts and Founding Father of the United States
Newsletter On-line Summer 2019
God bless you in the wonderful name above all names, Christ Jesus. We thank you for your support, as we have concluded our summer and are lavished in the colorful times of Autumn! The Directors of AEC, Vincent and Deborah Ferraccioli, want to thank all of you for your financial support and your prayers for us.
Abortion and the Hippocratic Oath
In 400 BC (almost 2500 years ago), Hippocrates of Cos, the famous Greek physician dubbed the "Father of Medicine," crafted The Hippocratic Oath. The following came from this document: “I will not give a lethal drug to anyone if I am asked, nor will I advise such a plan; and similarly I will not give a woman a pessary to cause an abortion. The Hippocratic Oath was revolutionary for its unyielding devotion to the preservation of individual human life. The oath prohibits both euthanasia and abortion. Opposition to abortion from within the medical community is hardly a modern phenomenon. Recent advanced technology has shown us the astonishing development taking place within the womb. Doctors have long known that human embryos and fetuses are nothing less than tiny human beings.
After World War II, the Nuremberg Code of Ethics in Medical Research was formed to deal with prosecuting the Nazi doctors who were behind some of the most horrific medical crimes the world had ever known. The most notorious of the death camp doctors, Josef Mengele, escaped prosecution by fleeing to South America and spending the 1950's as a clandestine abortionist. The Declaration of Geneva, which resulted from the post-WWII assembly, was crafted as a means of bringing the Hippocratic Oath up to date. In the original language of that declaration is the following: I WILL MAINTAIN the utmost respect for human life, from the time of conception; even under threat, I will not use my medical knowledge contrary to the laws of humanity. Though the 1948 rendering explicitly precluded abortion, the "conception" clause was quietly removed in 1983 in a clear nod to promote abortion. Instead of judging the merits of abortion against the established ethical principles of this historic document, the document itself was amended so as to justify abortion. To respect human life in general is to respect human life in the womb.
In 1949, the International Code of Medical Ethics was published by the World Medical Association in accordance with the Declaration of Geneva. It established that "A DOCTOR MUST ALWAYS bear in mind the obligation of preserving human life," and specified that human life was to be recognized "from the time of conception." Destroying a human being before or after birth was considered an unconscionable act against true medical practice, particularly in the aftermath of the Holocaust. The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum tells us that abortion itself, along with forced sterilization, was part of the Nazi euthanasia program. Pregnant Jewish women "were forced to submit to abortions." Polish, Soviet, and Yugoslav women who were impregnated by their German captors were also forced into abortions if they decided the unborn child had too little German blood. At Auschwitz-Birkenau, "pregnant women, and young children were immediately sent to the gas chambers." On the other hand, women carrying babies of pure German stock would be punished if they had an abortion. Today, 70% of abortions are black babies. Are pro-abortion people modern day Nazis?
Since abortion was clearly a tool in the Nazi's eugenic arsenal, it's no wonder that both the Declaration of Geneva and the International Code of Medical Ethics chose the language that they did even in the absence of the technology that has now given us a window into the womb. Today, these unprecedented technological advances have been accompanied by the same moral laxity that plagued Nazi Germany. The previous prohibitions against euthanisia, abortion, and sexual relations with patients are being ignored for the abortion industry profit. The medical field must not play God, and remember that we remain a member of society, with special obligations to all my fellow human beings, those sound of mind and body as well as the infirmed. The doctors who take this oath, if they're honest are still committing themselves to the preservation of human life, which traces all the way back to conception. Simply put, killing an innocent human being is not a morally acceptable cure to unwanted pregnancy.
Getting the Abstinence Message Out
AEC has been working to bring awareness that drug addictions are not only from illegal drugs, but also legal drug use. People playing sports are more likely victims of opioid addictions because of their injuries that doctors prescribe pain killers to treat. Our medical community especially doctors, need to be educated and pharmaceutical companies need to be prosecuted for not being truthful and possibly causing this epidemic. AEC has taken a stand to OUTLAW drug commercials on television. Besides the United States, only New Zealand allows this. Our band Treasure ministered at the National Night Out in July along with an AEC table spreading the truth about abstinence and drug addictions. National Night Out is a neighborhood outreach to have residents and local police agencies working together to make their areas drug free. Treasure has also been ministering in various churches.
On Wednesday, October 16, 2019 Boscov's Department Store will be hosting the 23rd Anniversary 'Friends Helping Friends', a fundraiser to benefit non-profit organizations. Everyone purchases a $5 pass and receives 25% discount for purchases on that day. The full $5 goes to AEC as a participating non-profit. We have been involved over the last few years. Please consider supporting us and spending a day or evening in downtown Binghamton. Even if you can't please donate $5 to AEC. GOD BLESS you all and thank you for your prayers and support. Vince & Deb Ferraccioli - Directors
On September 10, 2019, an estimated 100 clergy and other Christian leaders attended a pro-life forum at Mt. Olive Baptist Church in Buffalo, New York. This event brought together pastors from various denominations and of diverse ethnicities to stand for the rights and dignity of the unborn. The purpose of the forum was “to discuss strategies on how to push back on New York’s now nationally infamous abortion expansion bill,” known as the Reproductive Health Act (RHA). For too long, New York State has pitted the woman against her unborn child…and we’re here to ask the question, “Why can’t we love them both?” It is our prayer that this group will be effective in inspiring believers to prayerfully and compassionately defend the unborn.
UN member states and civil society gathered at UN headquarters to celebrate the twenty-fifth anniversary of the International Year of the Family during an event titled “It Takes a Family” on May 15. Delegations did not mince words when it came to assigning responsibility as to why it is difficult even to speak of the family at UN headquarters. They blamed socially progressive countries for holding the world hostage to foreign agendas. Belarus, Egypt, Qatar, Bangladesh and Saudi Arabia delegates called on the UN system to protect and defend the “traditional family”. They complained about attempts to erode the family as natural and fundamental group unit of society and pledged their continued support to protection of the family.
The Federalist reported “the ultimate justice for the 2,246 aborted babies found at an abortionist's home, would be for their little lives, to serve as a catalyst to end abortion.” These 2,246 lives speak to an abortion industry that cares nothing for human dignity and nothing for the women it alleges to help.
The following municipalities have pronounced that their cities are a pro-life city, tells abortion chain Planned Parenthood that they are not welcomed there, and that they support life from conception to the end of life: Springdale City, Arkansas; Roswell, New Mexico; Waskom, Texas: Riverton City, Utah; Highland, Utah; and Batavia City, New York and associated Putnam County. In New York state, Batavia city leaders and Putnam County legislators also passed measures condemning a radical new pro-abortion law in their state and supporting protections for the unborn.
May God bless all of you with health and prosperity! Have a great and blessed and God-filled spring season. Thank you for your prayers and support. Please look for our next newsletter in December of this year.
“It cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great nation was founded, not by religionists, but by Christians; not on religions, but on the gospel of Jesus Christ. For this very reason peoples of other faiths have been afforded asylum, prosperity, and freedom of worship here.”
Patrick Henry – Revolutionary War Patriot and Virginia’s First Governor
Newsletter On-line Spring 2019
God bless you in the name above all names, Christ Jesus, God the Father, and the Holy Spirit. We thank you for your prayers and support, as we see God working in many areas to reveal the truth about our Lord and Savior! The Directors of AEC, Vincent and Deborah Ferraccioli, thank God for each and every one of you.
We are living in times in America that mirror what is stated in Isaiah 5:20 - “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” The foundations of our country of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness are in jeopardy. In New York State our Governor and Democratic controlled legislature have the following on their minds: Legalizing recreational marijuana, driver's licenses for illegal aliens, legalizing prostitution, providing safe-sanctuary to the illegal aliens, and giving free medical coverage for illegal aliens. When the rights of illegal aliens overrides the rights and protections of citizens, than we need to ask: Is our state government really protecting it's citizens? On one hand New York State has been promoting people to quit smoking cigarettes and now they want to legalize marijuana! Both have carcinogens that lead to cancer.
There was a study completed by the Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) which is the Reproductive and Cancer Hazard Assessment Branch of the California EPA. It concluded that there is evidence humans who ingest marijuana smoke have an increased cancer risk. Studies in animals also provide evidence that marijuana smoke induces tumors, with benign and malignant tumors observed in rats exposed via inhalation, malignant tumors in rats exposed via subcutaneous injection like newborns would get because the mother smoked marijuana, and benign tumors in mice exposed dermally. Studies investigating the genotoxicity, immunotoxicity, and effects on endocrine function and cell signaling pathways provide additional evidence for the carcinogenicity of marijuana smoke. Finally, the similarities in chemical composition and in toxicological activity between marijuana smoke and tobacco smoke, and the presence of numerous carcinogens in marijuana (and tobacco) smoke, provide additional evidence of carcinogenicity.
They also want to give illegal aliens free medical, provide safe-sanctuary (which technically is Treason -aiding and abetting criminals or illegals), and driver's licenses. By the way the word 'illegal' means against the law. If an illegal commits a crime shouldn't the Albany politicians including the governor be imprisoned as accomplices, since they are promoting these actions? In any other crime, they would be! Are the people in Albany smoking pot? That is where these ideas have to be coming from because a person with a sound mind would not come up with this unless it was part of a comedy routine. This is not funny. We need to stop the Albany politicians or truly have them committed for not being sane! This is all following the most gruesome legislative bill ever to pass in New York State that allows the killing of babies in the womb up to the day of birth, and allows physicians to let them die on the table, if they happen to survive this demonic inhumane procedure. What ever happened to the Hypocratic Oath? It did not exist in Nazi Germany or the Soviet Union, and now looks like it doesn't exist in America anymore!
Let's not leave out 'legalizing prostitution'. We know that this and the above mentioned illogical behaviors are about money and how the state government can get more! It does not matter if it is right or wrong, or who's lives are damaged or destroyed, but it is about how much money we can get from these vices. This thought may be from the Holy Spirit: What if legalizing prostitution could lead to more abortions, which would provide double return for New York State coffers? See how all these tie in together? Smoking pot can lead to unwanted pregnancies and abortion. Legalized prostitution promotes unhealthy behaviors which leads to unwanted pregnancies, abortions and smoking pot.
We need to call or e-mail our representatives and tell them we are disappointed in their actions. They need to know we are not happy with these proposed and passed bills. Suggestion: We could ask that the proposed bill be read publicly on a Spectrum sponsored program that every person in New York State could hear and that every legislative member is required to listen to, or face losing their pay for the year. Let's keep praying for our government leaders and hold them accountable.
Getting the Abstinence Message Out
How we arrived at the name of our band 'Treasure'.
I, Deborah, was sitting in my living room feeling lousy. Events were happening that made me believe that everyone was against me including friends, family and even my church. I prayed, “God, I know that you love me, but I'm not feeling it!” “I need your help.” You may not believe me when I tell you what happened next. My living room lit up with rainbow colors! They were beautiful, bright, and seemed like they were on fire. The color was amazing unlike any rainbow I have ever seen! In the middle was Jesus' face the very way that I picture Him, only so much BETTER! His eyes were filled with love pouring out and into me. He was saturating me with His presence. I was being embraced with a love that I can't justly describe. I know this is a piece of heaven. You don't want to miss it!!!! He spoke to my Spirit: “I'm your Treasure”. His voice is so gentle, kind and soothing. I thought about what He said. We look for treasure through other people, drugs, alcohol, sex, jobs, material things and other idols but we will NEVER find that kind of fulfillment any other way but through Him. Then the picture changed and He was sitting on a mound of grass. I was next to Him very peacefully leaning my head on His shoulder. He said “And you're mine.” Wow, I'm His TREASURE. That is how He sees me. But why was this scene so much duller? He said the first one is our heavenly relationship and the second is earth. Jesus Christ is with us throughout all eternity. This changed everything. This is what He wants me to share with you. Jesus is relentlessly pursuing each one of us as HIS TREASURE everyday. He wants a relationship with you filled with love and contentment. He is the ultimate TREASURE for us all!
Here is how to make sure that you are His: John 3:16 – God so loved the world that He gave His Son Jesus to die in our place for our sins. When we believe this in our heart and confess it with our mouth, we will be saved. (Romans 10:9).
Romans 3:23 – All have sinned and fallen short of His glory.
Romans 6:23 – The price of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ.
Matthew 6:33 – But seek first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness, and all these things shall be
added to you.
Pray and agree with God to ask Jesus to be Lord and Savior of your life.
Please read Acts 2:36-40. When saved, Jesus lives in you.
Vince & Deb Ferraccioli - Directors
One major win against pro-abortion New York City in a Manhattan hearing room, in front of a New York judge, where the ACLJ presented such a strong case defending embattled pro-life pregnancy centers, that the city had no option but to withdraw its own case. ACLJ took on the case, and appeared with witnesses ready to testify that this case was meritless, but it turned out we didn’t even need them. The city was totally unprepared to refute our legal arguments or back up its own claims, and literally folded, walking away from its own case. The significance of this victory – beating New York in New York – is beyond measure. It cannot be overstated. We’ve been litigating this issue for ten years. Perseverance truly pays off.
May God bless all of you with health and prosperity! Have a great and blessed and God-filled spring season. Thank you for your prayers and support. Please look for our next newsletter in September of this year.
“If we are not careful, our colleges will produce a group of close-minded, unscientific, illogical propagandists, consumed with immoral acts. Be careful, 'brethren!' Be careful, teachers!”
—Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. “The Purpose of Education” written as a student in the Morehouse College student newspaper, The Maroon Tiger, 1947
Newsletter On-line Winter 2019
God bless you in the powerful healing name of Christ Jesus, God the Father, and the Holy Spirit. We thank you for your guidance and discernment, as we look ahead to celebrating the death and Resurrection of our Savior and Lord! The Directors of AEC, Vincent and Deborah Ferraccioli, want to thank all of you for your financial support and your prayers for us.
The foundation for the U.S. Constitution is the Declaration of Independence, which declares all human beings are endowed by their Creator with an unalienable right to life. Although these words were penned by Thomas Jefferson, they have their foundation in the writings of William Blackstone, an English jurist and the author of the Commentaries on the Laws of England. Blackstone's commentaries reveal the pro-life intent of Jefferson's words and the pro-life foundation of America. You may have a copy of these Commentaries. They can be found in a Library or on the shelves of any Law Firm.
The words of the Declaration specifically mention the self-evident and unalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. These are words directly from Sir William Blackstone’s Commentaries on the Laws of England written in the 1760s that set forth the foundation of the English Common Law and thus set forth the legal standards for the American colonies. In Volume I of these commentaries, Blackstone specifically states that the unalienable right to life belongs to unborn children who reside in their mothers’ wombs. Jefferson, the author of the Declaration of Independence, studied Blackstone for his legal education and training and thus understood that the unalienable right to life belongs to the unborn as well as the born.
It is amazing to see the depth of the pro-life meaning behind these words. The very foundation for the American Republic is the unalienable right to life, which exists because we are created, and the Creator created us equal.
Therefore, are the American lawmakers and judges disregarding English Common Law, Declaration of Independence and the associated writings of Thomas Jefferson and William Blackstone, which all declare and are written promoting the rights of the unborn and against abortion? It is time for our lawmakers to stop playing politics with innocent lives in the womb and give them their due right to LIFE that our Declaration of Independence and English Common Law affords them.
Technically, a woman does NOT have the right to abort her baby. That right comes from God. Whether you are Christian, Muslim, Jewish or Buddhist, abortion is either a sin or not allowed. Since the right is from God, then God would have to say abortion is okay. He (God) does not say abortion is okay anywhere. He speaks against the shedding of innocent blood in many scriptures. He also states that He has a plan for our lives even before we were formed in the womb. Do we know better than God? I think not! It is time to return to a moral stance in New York State.
Getting the Abstinence Message Out
AEC has been working on presentations for various groups. More than ever there is a need to reach people with the truth about our choices whether it relates to illegal or legal drugs, alchohol abuse, sexual promiscuity, destructive lifestyles, and other addictive behaviors. Our band Treasure ministered with a combination of Christmas and Contemporary Christian music on New Year's Eve. Treasure has also been ministering in various churches. As you can see from the above information, the decision to take prayer and the Bible out of schools has resulted in much pain and suffering for children and people of all ages. We truly have reaped what we have sown. “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he are old he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6 How sad that Bibles are allowed in prisons and rehab centers, but not schools where they would prevent people from becoming prisoners and addicts.
On Wednesday, October 16, 2019 Boscov's Department Store will be hosting the 23rd Anniversary 'Friends Helping Friends', a fundraising to benefit non-profit organizations. Everyone purchases a $5 pass and receives 25% discount for purchases on that day. The full $5 goes to AEC as a participating non-profit. We have been involved over the last few years. Please consider supporting us and spending a day or evening in downtown Binghamton. GOD BLESS you all and thank you for your prayers and support. Vince & Deb Ferraccioli - Directors
After days of passionate debate, deliberation, and prayer—and years of tension—the United Methodist Church (UMC) voted recently to maintain its traditional stance against same-sex marriage and non-celibate gay clergy, bolstered by a growing conservative contingent from Africa. The denomination’s “Traditional Plan” passed, with 438 votes in favor and 384 against (53% to 47%), in the final hours of a special UMC conference held this week in St. Louis to address the issue of human sexuality. PRAISE GOD!
Firefighters responding to a fire call at Freedom Ministries Church in West Virginia reported that in the midst of the devastating church fire, not a single Bible nor Cross was damaged from the heat. The Coal City Fire Department Facebook post about the incident, with almost 50,000 shares, showed a picture of the untouched Bibles and said: “Though odds were against us, God was not. Picture this, a building so hot that at one point in time, the firefighters had to exit the building. In your mind everything should have been burned to ashes. Not a single Bible was burned and not a single cross was harmed! Not a single firefighter was hurt! Prayers for the pastor and the congregation today.”
According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), 72,500 people (mostly young people) died last year from overdoses just in America. Almost 2/3rds of the deaths involved a prescription or illicit opioids including Fentanyl, which is so toxic you need not ingest it - - just touch it and you can die. There are 300 heroin deaths a week in the United States. We truly have an “Opioid Crisis”
The Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals granted a major victory to Ohio taxpayers Tuesday when it ruled that the state may defund the abortion giant Planned Parenthood. Ohio lawmakers tried to cut off the abortion group’s taxpayer funding after it was caught in multiple states allegedly selling aborted baby body parts. Then-Ohio Gov. John Kasich signed the pro-life bill into law in 2016, but Planned Parenthood challenged it in court. This court argued that “Planned Parenthood does not have a Fourteenth Amendment right to perform abortions.”and also agreed that the government does not have an “obligation to pay for a woman’s abortion.
New Mexico tried to legalize abortion UP UNTIL BIRTH. Thanks to the activism of New Mexico pro-lifers and Susan B. Anthony List members sending a non-stop flow of petitions to the New Mexico capitol pushing them to strike down this evil bill, it has officially been destroyed and sent to the ash heap of history.
“It should come as a great relief that we no longer have to be our own gods, or be slaves to our own identities, including homosexuality. Compared with eternity, homosexuality is a momentary desire. It will soon pass away with God's new creation in Jesus Christ. The same goes with all other broken desires. The overriding reality is God's Kingdom and our new identity in Him. Quote from 'A War Of Loves (The unexpected story of gay activist di scovering Jesus).David Bennett”
May God bless all of you with health and prosperity! Have a great and blessed and God-filled spring season. Thank you for your prayers and support. Please look for our next newsletter in June of this year.
“Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” John Adams – 2nd President of the United States
Newsletter On-line Autumn 2018
Unconditional (Agape’) Love from God the Father, who sent Christ Jesus the Son to save the world, and the Holy Spirit to guide and strengthen His Church, as we look forward to celebrating the Birth of Jesus Christ! The Directors of AEC, Vincent and Deborah Ferraccioli, want to thank all of you for your financial support and your prayers for us.
Although we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ on December 25th, most Bible students and Christians understand that it is not likely to be the actual date when Jesus was born. Things to consider: December, temperature, precipitation and location in the area of Bethlehem.
Many people say He was born in a stable! Luke states: “Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.” A manger would have been found in the basement under the living quarters of a house. A stable is a separate structure. Luke 2:8 states: “Now there were shepherds living out in the fields, keeping watch over their flocks by night.” In Israel, December turns colder (in the 40s) and very rainy in late fall with winds blowing from the north. Not ideal conditions for camping in tents or keeping flocks outside in fields. This weather pattern runs from mid-October through mid-February.
Another consideration is that the Roman official, Caesar Augustus, would not have issued a decree for a census in December (Luke 2:1) due to the travel requirement for the people to go to their city of birth (Luke :2:2-3). Remember, this decree was to “all the world”(Luke 2:1), not just for Israel.
Looking at Chapter 1 of Luke verses 5, 8-13, 23-24, 36 and 39, we can see that John the Baptist was born five months before Jesus Christ was born and that Zacharias (John's dad) was a priest of the division of Abijah. Read I Chronicles 24:7-19 for an explanation of the 24 courses of priests who took turns in their service in the Temple. Based on the Talmud (rabinnic teachings) and Josephus (reputable Roman-Jewish scholar and historian), when the Temple was destroyed on August 5th, 70 AD, the first course of priests had just taken office. Course of Abijah was the eighth course (I Chronicles 24:10). By counting backwards, Zacharias would have ended his duties on July 13th, 3 BC. At this point he would return home and soon after Elizabeth would conceive. In her sixth month (January 2 BC), Gabriel appears to Mary and soon after, Mary visited Elizabeth (possibly in February) and left before John was born. John was born nine months after Zacharias completed his course (April 2 BC).
Now for something really amazing! John 1:14 indicates the following “And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us ….”. The word 'dwelt' means 'tabernacles'. The Feast of Tabernacles (Leviticus 23:43) happens in September. This feast is celebrated 5 days after the Day of Atonement, which is 10 days after the Feast of Trumpets. In other words, Jesus came to 'tabernacle' with us! Basically, the more probable time of Jesus Christ's birth is September 2 BC during the Feast of Tabernacles (one week celebration).
This truly shows the power of our Creator God orchestrating the precise birth of His Son on a feast that celebrates God's tabernacle with His people when they were brought out of Egypt.
I am NOT saying that we need to change our Christmas celebration to September, because the day we celebrate Jesus' birth is not as important as celebrating it. We rarely celebrate the birthdays of George Washington, Abraham Lincoln or Martin Luther King, Jr. on the actual day, due to the Federal holidays being on Mondays.
So let us give thanks to God the Father for invading our world with sending His Son to be born for the purpose of dying for our sins and iniquities, thereby providing salvation by His shed blood! Happy Birthday Jesus! Seeing that Jesus Christ is our Lord, we celebrate Him everyday!
Getting the Abstinence Message Out
Our fund raiser for AEC as participants in the Friends Helping Friends day on Tuesday October 16th at Boscov's Department Store in downtown Binghamton went very well. I believe we raised more than the previous years. See last month’s newsletter for an explanation of how it worked. AEC had a table at True Life Christian Church on the Saturday after Thanksgiving as part of an outreach to the community sharing Christian ministries that are available in the area. We made some new contacts and friends. Our band Treasure will be ministering with Christmas music at this church on Sunday December 23 at 6:00 PM, and at Arrowhead Christian Bookstore on Saturday December 22 from 2:00-3:00 PM.
We very much appreciate all who have prayed and supported AEC. Please don't stop praying.
THANK YOU & GOD BLESS! All glory belongs to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and His Church!
Vince & Deb Ferraccioli - Directors
A new study on the impact of marijuana legalization in Colorado conducted by the Centennial Institute found that for every $1.00 in tax revenue from marijuana, the state spends $4.50 as a result of the effects of the consequences of legalization. This study used all available data from the state on hospitalizations, treatment for Cannabis Use Disorder (CUD), impaired driving, black market activity, and other parameters to determine the cost of legalization. The human cost of addiction is nearly impossible to calculate due to the fact that it is widely believed among health officials that CUD goes largely untreated. “Studies such as this show that the only people making money off the commercialization of marijuana are those in the industry who profit at the expense of public health and safety,” said Dr. Kevin Sabet, president of Smart Approaches to Marijuana (SAM). “The wealthy men behind Big Marijuana will laugh all the way to the bank as minority communities continue to suffer and die while taxpayers are left to foot the bill.”
The Homosexual Lobby has launched their latest plot to brainwash and warp young children. They call it "Drag Queen Story Hour." They are using the same language used to describe how child predators manipulate children into sexual situations. These Drag Queen Story Hours are trying to groom children from under the age of 5 into embracing sexually perverse lifestyles as they grow up. And it's all being done with taxpayer money. Grotesque men in disturbing outfits designed to vaguely make them look like women are reading propaganda books written by the Homosexual Lobby to indoctrinate little children (.All hosted in public libraries on the taxpayers' dime). The stories teach kids that all gender is made up and that it's not important for families to have a mother and father. All this is presented to these kids as virtuous and normal. Many of our public elementary schools are promoting these agendas.
The Washington Times reported that a poll conducted by the Rasmussen polling organization on December 6 and 9 concluded the following: “Most Americans continue to believe Christmas should be celebrated in public schools, and that there’s a place for Christian symbols on public land,” said the poll analysis, which found that 74 percent of the respondents agreed that Christmas should be celebrated in public schools.
A federal judge sided with three religious colleges and three Christian organizations in their challenge to the Affordable Care Act’s birth control mandate. Judge Philip Brimmer, a George W. Bush appointee on the U.S. District Court for the District of Colorado, issued an order that permanently blocks the federal government from forcing the plaintiffs to cover sterilization drugs or contraception drugs devices, procedures, and related education and counseling in their health care plans.
May God bless all of you with health and prosperity! Have a great and blessed and God-filled season. Thank you for your prayers and support. Please look for our next newsletter in March of this year.
"In forming and settling my belief relative to the doctrines of Christianity, I adopted no articles from creeds but such only as, on careful examination, I found to be confirmed by the Bible."
John Jay – 1st Chief Justice of the Supreme Court & President of the American Bible Society
Newsletter ONLINE Summer 2018
Abstinence Education Council - Summer Newsletter 2018
Total Love, Joy and Peace from God the Father, Christ Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit as we look ahead to God showing off His splendor and beauty through His Creation with magnificent fall colors! As the Directors of AEC, Vincent and Deborah Ferraccioli, want to thank all of you for your financial support and your prayers for us.
From the beginning, when Adam and Eve were placed in the Garden of Eden, marriage has been attacked. God's plan was for the woman to be a helpmate for her husband (side by side), and for them to be fruitful and multiply along with caring for the earth.
The devil, who was kicked out of the Holy of Holies because of his pride, was very angry. He saw this union between male and female as a huge threat. You see, he wanted to be God. He wanted to be worshipped. He wanted it ALL. So, disguised as a serpent, he spoke to Eve, The devil is described as the murderer from the beginning, the father of lies, the great deceiver and the false accuser for good reason!
Eve was so innocent! She did NOT understand that the devil was setting her up. She only knew that God said her marriage was very good. The devil lied to her and deceived her into tasting the forbidden fruit. She believed it was a good thing to be like God and it is. That evil spirit used her to tempt her husband, Adam who had been told by God not to eat from the tree. You see, they weren't being like God; they were being god (there is a big difference). The minute her husband ate the fruit, both of their eyes were opened to the truth. They knew what they had done was evil. The scheme of the devil to steal, kill and destroy had been accomplished. He brought division, blame, shame, fear, curses and death. Why would anyone want to listen to him today? My question to America is? Who do you choose to trust? A loving God who is ALL Good, or the god of this world who is all evil?
Unfortunately, many even in the church are calling good evil and evil good. Marriages, families and lives as Almighty God intended them to be are being severely attacked. This is always what happens when we choose to turn our backs on our Creator who knows us better than anyone.
Please join with Vince and I in our efforts to reach out and save children and in bringing healing and restoration before it is too late. Today, we are seeing many parallels between America and the great flood of Noah's day, where the people's imaginations and actions were so evil, God had to put a stop to it. Why? Because He loves us far too much to watch us destroy ourselves and one another.
Please prayerfully consider what your part has been in all of this, and repent daily as you recognize sin in your own life. Also, please keep our nation in your prayers so that our leaders will have a Holy Fear of God and make decisions, which line up with His Word and His Will. One day every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. Only the truth will set you free. May God bless America!
Local School News
A local school district's reading program hired a drag queen (transvestite) to read stories at the local county public library. Parents and their children attended like there was no problem with this. There were many protests and compliants by parents in the newspapers, local talk radio shows and to the school district. It's unbelievable that this is acceptable by so many. These people need praye and the children need protection from being subjected to these abnormal behaviors.
Getting the Abstinence Message Out
AEC had a table at the National Night Out back in July at the Fairview Park on the east side of Binghamton. The local Pastor was very pleased that we were part of this event that sends a message to the neighborhood. “We are taking our area back.” AEC had a great opportunity to have a table at the annual Health Fair at the Anglican Church of the Good Shepherd in Binghamton where many contacts were made. Our band, Treasure also gave purity talks to the community.
We are in the midst of a fund raiser for AEC as being part of the Friends Helping Friends day on Tuesday October 16th at Boscov's Department Store in downtown Binghamton for non-profit organizations. The way it works: You purchase a $5.00 Shopping Pass from our non-profit organization and shop at Boscovs on Tuesday October 16th anytime of day until closing, and you WILL receive 25% discount for All your purchases of clothing, shoes, and sneakers including items on sale. Jewelry, housewares, bedding, etc. are between 10 & 15% discounts. You also qualify for a $500 shopping spree and other door prizes. Just turn in your pass after you shop. We will deliver or make arrangements to get the Shopping Pass to you. You may pay cash or check made out to Abstinence Education Council. When you support this worthy cause, you will receive much more in savings than $5.00. Let us know as soon as possible. Hopefully we can count on you!
We so very much appreciate all who have prayed and supported AEC. Please don't stop praying.
THANK YOU & GOD BLESS! All glory belongs to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and His Church!
Vince & Deb Ferraccioli - Directors
Chantix! How unsafe is the anti-smoking drug Chantix? After 397 FDA cases of possible psychosis, 227 domestic reports of suicidal acts, thoughts or behaviors and 28 suicides, the government banned pilots and air traffic controllers and interstate truck and bus drivers from taking Chantix in 2008. A few months later, there was a musician, Carter Albrecht, who was shot to death in Texas by a neighbor who reacted aggressively after taking Chantix. Chantix, which reduces both cravings and smoking pleasure, is linked to angioedema, serious skin reactions, visual impairment, accidental injury, dizziness, muscle spasms, seizures and loss of consciousness. “By the way the commercial for this drug is still on television everyday. Maybe we should hold the company liable for each and every victim that uses this drug.” Please pray that people are protected from the harmful effects of this and many other drugs.
In Chicago, Detroit, and Raliegh, N.C., some black ministers are beginning to preach on an uncomfortable subject in African-American circles. Gay marriage, they argue, has no place in a civil rights movement defined by Jim Crow laws and the right to vote. One pastor stated: “I was born black. I was born male. Homosexuals are not born; they're made. They don't qualify for civil rights.” Pastor Garland Hunt of Atlanta says that “generally civil rights relates to race, gender and disability only”. "It doesn't protect behavior patterns." “For many African-Americans, who began the civil rights movement in the black churches of the conservative south, same-sex marriage has nothing to do with civil rights, this is an issue of morality," said Hunt.
The Alabama Hayden High School football team ran onto its home field holding signs that read: “IN GOD WE TRUST”. This was in answer to the Blount County School District's agreement to ban broadcasting prayer over the stadium loudspeakers before the game. One sign actually had the Lord's Prayer printed on it.
May God bless all of you with health and prosperity! Have a great and blessed and God-filled autumn. Thank you for your prayers and support. Please look for our next newsletter in December of this year.
“Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!”
Patrick Henry – Founding Father of the United States
Newsletter ONLINE Spring 2018
Total Peace and Joy from Father God and Savior Christ Jesus as we look forward to a great summer soon! As the Directors of AEC, Vincent and Deborah Ferraccioli, we want to thank all of you for your support financially and your faithfulness in praying for us.
As we are reading this newsletter, there are Godly things happening in Albany. There are legislative Bible studies occurring where our state representatives are committing their lives to Jesus Christ. Elected officials are being discipled. People who know the Lord are moving into positions of power and influence in the State Capitol. Although you don't read about this in our local newspapers, or hear about it on the local talk radio shows. God is working in our state government. Our adversary hates it.
It is amazing to see that certain legislation such as assisted suicide is not passing in New York State, even though it is passing in some states. Abortion expansion took root in other states, but not here in New York. Legislation that would penalize Christian counselors helping those struggling with pornography and unwanted same-sex attraction has become law in multiple places, but not here in New York State. In New York State, God's people have made their voices heard by letting their legislators know what they believe and that they are not going to sit back while these immoral legislations are being pushed for whatever their reason is. Also, we believe that prayer is a big part of this. We prayed on the National Day of Prayer at the Courthouse steps in downtown Binghamton, and state officials were part of the prayer topics. Vince and Deb led worship on May 5th for the National Day of Prayer. By the way, the Deputy Mayor of Syracuse is a born-again spirit filled Christian woman, who does not have a problem letting others know about her love for Jesus Christ.
Let's keep being God's voice in the places of government. Scripture says “When the righteous rule, the people rejoice”. Acts 8:8 says “For there was much rejoicing in that city”.
Getting the Abstinence Message Out
Hi! If you have a heart for all the people to enjoy the best lives possible, then please prayerfully consider joining our group.
What is happening in our country today is not helping our children have healthy lives. A big reason why things have gotten so out of hand, is that people are teaching things to them that are confusing and very damaging.
When abortion was legalized as a form of birth control, it opened up much pain in relationships, before the abortion, during and after it. Those who have shared with me say that before they make that choice, voices are saying “Go ahead, get it over with, it's just a blob of tissue”, but while it is happening, they are reminded that they are pregnant (expecting a baby) and there is much anguish. Then after the abortion is over, they feel empty. The life that had been growing inside of them has been sucked out, or worse. They hear “you are a murderer, you killed your baby”. Is it any wonder why we have so many today that are addicted to drugs, alcohol, sexual promiscuity, etc.? They are trying desperately to bury the past.
Some have been abused physically,and emotionally. They suffer in silence, or act out with violent anger, believing the lies telling them: “Your worthless, It's hopeless, It's too late.”
Depression and suicide are high on the radar. In our hearts, we know when we have done something hurtful to ourselves or others. Shame, guilt, worry, confusion and fear kick in.
Abstinence Education Council is here because we love and care about all people. Everyone has a past. Things happen that can cause years of pain, but there is always hope. If you believe that you just exist and there is no Creator, it will be difficult for us to help you. The Bible says we are created in the image of a Holy God. That makes all of us very special.
There is much evil in this world because people don't understand how greatly they are loved by God. They look at the condition of this world and how they have been hurt, and they blame Him.
Just ask yourself: How many people do I know who walk in true love? And how many people do things to genuinely love and care about others? It is not God's fault that people don't obey Him. Everything has either been blessed or cursed according to whether people did their own thing or lived righteously. Just imagine what this world could be like if everyone did the right thing. Whenever we go against God's will, we open ourselves up to the dark side. The devil never plays fair. This is why God wants us to stay abstinent before marriage. I pray that you start living your life according to His perfect, protective standards, and it is our great desire to help you in any way we can.
Jesus Christ came to forgive our sins, heal our hearts and to restore our lives. That is why it is so important not to shut him out.
Thank you to all who have been supportive in the past and are supportive now.
God bless America and you! Please keep us in your prayers.
Vince & Deb Ferraccioli - Directors
“Roe v. Wade – The Untold Story” has started to be filmed. Co-Executive Producer of the movie is Dr. Alveda King, niece of Dr. Martin Luther King. A top production crew along with stars including Academy Award winner Jon Voight, Stephen Baldwin, and Stacey Dash (star of Clueless and Renaissance Man and former Fox News Contributor) are a part of this endeavor. Please watch the introductory video from Alveda King (YouTube) for a message. The Roe v. Wade case is the most corrupt court case in American history. This is the first time that the Roe decision has been presented as a feature film, one that captures the drama of the rank manipulation by abortion advocates to mislead the American people, and our court system, about the push for abortion. Remember: This decision was passed without approval by Congress or the President.
The upcoming World Scout Jamboree takes place next year, and will feature scouts from all around the world, including the Boy Scouts. The event is being marketed as a “celebration of cultural exchange”, a whole new level of “experience”, by actually offering condoms at the event. The fact the Boy Scouts are offering condoms to attendees, including minors, demonstrates they have no shame promoting promiscuity, even if it’s with under-age attendees. And this dark turn, takes place after the Boy Scouts have allowed females to join their ranks.
The U.S. Supreme Court refused to block an Arkansas law that could effectively bar pill-induced abortions, turning away an appeal by two Planned Parenthood clinics that say the state would be left with only one abortion provider. The rejection opens up the possibility that the 2015 measure will take effect soon, though the clinics will have another chance to stop it at a lower court level. The justices rejected the appeal in a one-line order, without any published dissent, suggesting the court's liberals made a tactical decision not to object publicly at this point.
God bless all of you with health and prosperity! Have a prosperous and God-filled summer. Thank you for your prayers and support. Please look for our next newsletter in September of this year.
"It cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great nation was founded, not by religionists, but by Christians; not on religions, but on the gospel of Jesus Christ. For this very reason peoples of other faiths have been afforded asylum, prosperity, and freedom of worship here."
Patrick Henry – Ratifier of the Constitution
Newsletter ONLINE Winter 2018
God’s Grace and Peace to all as we look forward to celebrating Resurrection Sunday in a couple of weeks! As the Directors of AEC, Vincent and Deborah Ferraccioli thank all of you for your support financially and your faithfulness in praying for us.
Recently we have had turmoil in our country related to school shootings and threats of school violence on a daily basis. Many would say we need stricter gun controls when our laws are stricter than ever. Others say we need to look for signs of people with mental disorders, which in most cases would be very difficult to pin down. Having metal detectors and a police presence every day at every school is another suggestion. They all seem to be good ideas, but they are all motivated by fear. We need God back in school. Reba McIntre has a song “Back to God” that has that actual message.
Pennsylvania will be passing a bill that would put a metal detector in ALL their schools with a law enforcement official on duty in each school while open. Delaware County (Walton, Delhi) is planning to do the same thing. Binghamton High School has had a metal detector at their one and only main entrance used for many years. New York State, California, Texas, Connecticut and 14 other states allow K-12 grade teachers to have a concealed-carry pistol permit, which is one of the exceptions to a 'Gun-Free Zone' policy. The shooter at Sandy Hook in Connecticut tried to buy a rifle, but he was told that he needed to wait 14 days while a background check was done. He did not want to wait and ended up murdering his mother, and then stealing the guns that he used to kill people at Sandy Hook. The gun control laws worked (14-day waiting period background check), but unfortunately robbery led to this tragedy. As a matter of fact, Connecticut has some of the strictest gun laws in America including confiscating guns if someone thinks a person is dangerous or unstable. The belief is that most of the people that do these crimes are under the influence of illegal and legal drugs. There is too much of a drug culture in this country. Personally, ALL drug commercials on TV should be BANNED! I don't care if Merck only makes 3 billion instead of 4 billion this year as long as people are not put in danger from side effects, which are worse than what they are trying to heal. Hallucinations are a side affect of some drugs. Guns in the hands of disturbed or mentally ill people are dangerous. In this country, anyone convicted of a felony cannot purchase or own a gun. Felonies include the following: Sale of illegal drugs, multiple DUI convictions, burglary, larceny, leaving the scene of an accident, murder, vehicular manslaughter (especially if drunk or under the influence of drugs), rape, arson, grand theft, kidnapping, assault with a weapon, and robbery with a weapon. If any of these felons get a gun, no gun law on the planet could stop them because they would have obtained it illegally!
There is a lot of talk about the wall on the Mexican border. Basically, I see the wall as a deterrent against illegal drugs and guns being brought into this country. 100% of heroin in the United States enters across the Mexican border (source: Broome County Sheriff's Department). The powerful drug cartel in Mexico (who seems to be in cahoots with their government) is behind the trafficking of illegal guns to gangs and criminals in our country. The Mexican drug cartels are also involved in human trafficking of immigrant children, kidnapped children and kidnapped women for the purpose of forced labor, forced child soldiers, and sexual exploitation. As you can see a wall on our southern border is a good idea, if it will save lives by preventing illegal drugs and guns from entering our country.
Getting the Abstinence Message Out
In the 1990s I requested to speak about abstinence at my former church to a ladies group. Their answer was “We don't need that”. “It is not a problem that we have here”. Not long after I had this reply, a boy who had been attending our youth group was found by his mother dead in his bed. My husband and I were there with his parents when they received the news that it was a heroin overdose. We were shocked! Nobody said anything to us about his battle with heroin, and we had been his youth leaders. This was over 10 years ago.
When I look at the fruit that is being produced today, I have to ask myself, was it a problem? If we had been honest then and admitted there was a problem, would things be better today? Please do not shut your eyes, your ears and your heart to what the Lord has been crying out for years. “Do you love Me? Feed My sheep”. Some may think this is just physical food, but today more than ever we need the Church to tell the truth about the spiritual war that is raging all around us. How many precious lives have to be lost before we wake up and start working as a real body for the sake of Jesus Christ and His children.
For over a decade now, my husband and I have been in this fight but we need an army to rise up and work together. I believe when the church does this, the devil won't have a leg to stand on. If you or anyone you know is interested in a presentation, contact us at 607-433-1730. We so very much appreciate all who have prayed and supported this cause through AEC. Please keep us all in your prayers.
THANK YOU & GOD BLESS! All glory belongs to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and His Church!
Vince & Deb Ferraccioli - Directors
Students for Life in America launched “Lies Feminists Tell: How Planned Parenthood Betrays Women” tour at various universities. The program has received some fierce opposition at Christian institutions: Pacific Lutheran University, Texas Christian University and Fordham, along with Seattle University (a Jesuit school). In most cases, the opposition was more than at UCLA or other state schools.
Dayton Moore cares about putting a winning Kansas City Royals baseball team on the field. But first, he wants to make sure they're healthy. Like a number of general managers, Moore is a Christian. As his players will tell you, his second biggest priority is for them to have victory in every area of their lives. That starts, he told the team, by taking a stand against toxic influences such as pornography.
Iowa has passed legislation that outlaws abortion after the fetal heartbeat has been detected, usually six weeks or sooner after conception.
200 students and their mentors gathered for Prevention Policy Day at the Washington state capital, Olympia. Issaquah’s Youth Opposed to Drug Abuse coalition and students from Mercer Island stood to advocate for sobriety. The annual advocacy day raises awareness for drug, alcohol and tobacco abuse; House Bill 1054 was passed to raise the age of purchasing tobacco and vapor products to 21.
Moms of the following people planned to abort until someone spoke truth into their lives: Steve Jobs, Cher, Celine Dion, Pope John Paul II, Jack Nicholson, Sean Lennon (after John Lennon talked Yoko Ono out of having an abortion), Tim Tebow, Andrea Bocelli, Justin Beeber, U.S. Representative Marlin Stutzman, and Nick Cannon (wrote song "Can I Live" because of his mom's right decision). God has a plan for our lives even before we are conceived.
Eliminating abortion would cause our country to increase respect for life. When life has no value and students are told they are descended from apes or some primordial soup instead of being told that they are created in the image of God, then the result is school shootings, stabbings, drug addiction and zero self-esteem.
May God bless you all with health and prosperity! Have a very Blessed Resurrection Sunday. Thank you for your prayers and support. Please look for our next newsletter in June of this year.
“Providence has given to our people the choice of their rulers and it is the duty as well as the privilege and interest of our Christian Nation to select and prefer Christians for their rulers.”
John Jay, First Chief Justice of the United States

The Abstinence
Education Council
511 Oakdale Road, Johnson City, NY 13790 – 607/433-1730 –
NOTES from
Hi everyone,|
First, I would like to thank you
for anything you have done, are doing or will do to support A.E.C. It means so
much to us that you would take the time out of your busy schedule to
acknowledge that you care. Vince and I went to Battlecry this past weekend and
experienced what our teens really want. There were thousands of them
worshipping the Lord. The theme was "Normal Is Just Not Enough!"
When asked what they were planning
to change, two from our youth group said they wanted to stop using drugs. A few
hours after making this declaration, one of them asked me if they could borrow
$10 for cigarettes. She said she would go crazy without them. I looked her
straight in the eye and said, "Cigarettes are what killed my Dad. Nicotine
is a drug. What about your commitment? Her friend then said, "You have to
quit". She agreed.
I gave her a hug and said we will be
praying for you. "I don't want to put another nail in your coffin. Do you
understand, I love and care about you too much". She understood. This is
what AEC is all about. Getting people to stand for purity, integrity and
truth. God Bless you, Deborah
Deborah has been in Toastmasters for years, I find the program which teaches speaking and leadership to be incredibly well-designed and helpful. If anyone is interested and would like to check out a local Toastmaster group, let me know and I will connect you with one nearest your home or work location.
Proverbs 31 wife - Baylor University student Alex Eklund, concerned about the reaction of his female friends to the Victoria's Secret models, posted a comment on Facebook (I'd rather have a Proverbs 31 woman than a Victoria's Secret model") which went viral and has started a wave of interest among college students. We added this to our "What is Beauty" program.
The Abstinence Education Council aka AEC-I Decide's mission is to reduce high risk behaviors particularly regarding issues related to human sexuality, with emphasis on abstinence before marriage, by providing information to our community about making choices which are best for individuals, families, and the community as a whole, for their future happiness, health and success. AEC serves Broome, Chenango, Delaware and Otsego Counties in Central NY.
About the National Association For Moms In Business
The National Association for Moms in Business (NAFMIB) is the voice of the 15
million entrepreneur, executive and CEO moms. Founded on the core values of
Growth, Balance, Wisdom, and Enrichment, NAFMIB offers education, networking,
support and advocacy for moms in business. NAFMIB is a division of The
International Association of Working Mothers is a charitable, tax-exempt,
501(c)(3) organization dedicated to making a significant difference in building
and sustaining healthy communities by unlocking the potential of working mothers
through advocacy and education. Through our programs, we serve as an
advocate and resource for economic and social justice by providing
opportunities for working mothers to cultivate leadership to build strong
families and strong communities. Go to
About the Abstinence Education Council (trade name - AEC-I Decide)
The Abstinence Education Council gives workshops and presentations on character
development, life skills, health, goal-setting, and relationships for ages 8
and up including pre-teens, teens, single moms and parents in Central NY,
primarily Broome, Chenango, Delaware and Otsego counties. We also set up
outreach booths and tables at county fairs and at community, college and church
The Brookings Institution study frequently cited by Rick Santorum, tells us that three behaviors will reduce the likelihood of living in poverty by 98%. That is to graduate from high school; not to have children until marriage; and to work. Other studies have shown that it is parents that have the “greatest influence” on their children. With the poverty level at 15% of the population, it is up to us.
We have worked in the past with the girls at Circle of Friends at the Burlington Flats Baptist Church. Our next meeting is February 10. Many thanks to Pastor Jay Henderson, for his continuing help and support.
We have just received an incredible offer from John O’Connell EdD to have a free 2 to 3 hour seminar (plus the cost of materials and any donation for gas) on techniques to raise grades and reduce discipline problems for teachers in this area. This seminar would be:
1) based on the “12 Components” in Dr. Tom Lickona’s
EDUCATING FOR CHARACTER, (Center for the 4th & 5th
Rs- SUNY Cortland)
2) incorporating much of Dr. Hal
Urban’s (Teacher, Speaker, Author of “Life’s Greatest Lessons” ) work, esp.
with the first 4 Components…and
3) sharing “know-how” from implementing
the seven Effective Schools Correlates
esp. “Safe & Orderly Environment” and “Home/School/Community
Why is Abstinence important? That is the question that was asked by the Abstinence Clearinghouse of its members this past summer. My response, which was published in their August 30th newsletter, was: Abstinence education is about self-respect, self-control, selflessness, and self-discipline. It is about becoming a productive, mature, successful adult. These qualities are assets in any organization, in any field, in any sport, in any business. They are vital for a stable, solid, prosperous society. On the other hand, insecure, out-of-control, selfish, undisciplined people are a recipe for disaster both in the home, at work, and in the community. Abstinence education is important because it equips our young people with the tools they need to face the many challenges we have in society today. It's not just about avoiding disease, unwanted pregnancies, heartaches or a host of other ills and problems. It's about being a real person with a real life, who grows into an adulthood that is stacked for, instead of against, happiness and success.
I find it difficult to understand why there appear to be people who are against this.
The Mathematica study which was not
scientifically done, was cited as “proof” that abstinence doesn’t work, but the
January 2010 study by the Institute for Research and Evaluation which WAS a
scientifically done study, showed that abstinence programs reduce the
likelihood of promiscuity by 30%.
Comprehensive sex education programs on the other hand do nothing that
they claim to do. They neither increase the likelihood of using condoms, nor
reduce teen pregnancies. Following is a copy of a handout on the problem of
premarital sex, that I gave out (paraphrased from the New World Encyclopedia;
“Hooked: New Science on How Casual Sex Is Affecting Our Children; and
1. Hinders personal development: Distracts adolescents from the
important things they need to do
“on the way to personal maturity,
creating a family and pursuing…careers.”
2. Corrupts character: In marriage, sexual intimacy supports the partners’ mutual love. Uncommitted relationships among youth, mainly boosts the partners’ egos. Premarital sex often compounds self-centeredness. Instead of supporting the development of unselfish love, it corrupts, and encourages males to lie and cheat to get sex. “According to a University of Connecticut study of 75 middle-class 19-year-old male students, 65% admitted that they had gotten young women drunk for that purpose. More than half had arranged to enter their date's apartment, and 40 % had used verbal intimidation. One in five had used force or threats of violence. In a survey of University of California students, 1/4 of men who were sexually involved with more than one person at a time said their sexual partners did not know.”
3. Often produces guilt and shame: Many people intuitively feel that they are violating themselves as well as their parents' trust and have to resort to lies. Girls face ruined reputations, while men can often suffer guilt for causing pain for a lifetime. “ College counselor Carson Daly comments, “I don't think I ever met a student who was sorry he or she had postponed sexual activity, but I certainly met many who deeply regretted their sexual involvement.””
4. Lowers self-esteem: Being used as an object rather than respected as a person can result in low self-esteem
5. Sex addiction: There are over 13 million Americans being treated for sex addiction. All addictions are destructive of individuals and relationships.
6. Depression: Brain chemicals such as oxytocin create a real physical need for people. When that bond is broken, depression is often the result. “One tragic result is teenage suicide, which has tripled over the past 25 years in the U.S.—the same period during which the rate of teenage sexual activity rose so sharply. Statistically, non-virginal girls are six times more prone to suicide than are virgins.]”
7. Anti-social and criminal behavior: “Sexually experienced girls aged 12 to 16 are 18 times more likely to run away from home than virgins. They are 9 times more likely to be arrested by the police. The probability of being suspended from school is 5 times greater. Non-virginal girls are 10 times more likely to use marijuana, one of the gateway drugs.” These are similar to results found in boys.
8. Alienated from parents: Parents can often feel embarrassed, and ashamed when their values and their trust have been destroyed.
9. Broken friendships: Adolescents, who are sexually active, magnify their feelings, leading to jealousy, feelings of betrayal, possessiveness and sometime irrational rivalry.
10. Emotional disconnect: Both women and men can experience the inability to trust anyone once their heart has been broken, destroying or damaging any future relationships.
11. End of marriage possibilities: Relationships that are primarily based on physical aspects are not strong enough to bear the weight of the day-to-day problems of real life. “In fact, sexual involvement outside of marriage, especially among live-in lovers, is associated with more violence and other forms of abuse than among the married.”
12. Possible negative consequences for the future: Comparisons with past partners and the fear of the possibility of future infidelities.
Unwed pregnancies
9 out of 10 girls are abandoned by their child’s
father. Suicide is 7 times more likely among pregnant teen girls than those in
the general population. Unwed moms are less likely to marry, less likely to go
to college and more likely to live in life-long poverty. Abortion can lead to
cancers, infertility, chronic grief and guilt.
Birth control pills interfere with a woman’s immune
system making her more likely to contract STDs. They are also linked to breast
and other cancers. One in every two sexually-active persons in the U.S. will
have an STD by the age of 25.“Condoms are largely ineffective with common
infections like genital herpes, gonnorrhea, human papilloma virus and
Chlamydia” STDs are often symptomless, but can be the cause of cancers, viral
warts and infertility. One out of every 10 couples in the U.S. is infertile.