AEC- I Decide

             The Choices You Make Today, Will DECIDE Your Tomorrow!

About Us


Roger Ree
Stephen Lee
Stacy Lee



Dr. Cuiting Li - University of Wisconsin (human ecology)

Dr. Joseph Tausta emeritus - State University of NY-Oneonta (chemistry)

Dr. Karina Romero - psychologist

Arline Saiki - former director AEC, certified Abstinence instructor


Deborah and Vincent Ferraccioli - co-directors

Margaret Caezza - Accountant/Bookkeeper

Carl Wenner - Presenter



David Buddle
Bernadette Burke
Sarah Collins
Kathleen Fialla
Rose Hogan
Jean Jones
Mary Laden
Deborah Pearlmutter
Karina Romero
Tim Ryan
Shinzo Saiki
Jane Schultz


Jerry and Betty Lawrence, Janet and Ted Anderson, E. Brunjes, Tamie Calhoun, Elizabeth Collins, David Buddle, Burlington Flats Baptist Church, Butternut Valley Clergy, Kathryn Cecchi, Central NY Right to Life, Curtis Lumber, Barbara and Chris Deemer, Jim Gutierrez, Nori Inoue, Linda Kelley, Mary Laden,  Life Garden, Main St. Baptist Church, E. Maloney,  M. Matsukuma, K. Moore, J. Pivoda, Deborah Pearlmutter, Tim Ryan, Linda Ryerson, St. Malachy's Church,   Stewart's Shops, Sportique Inc.,  Bob Tindall, Unadilla Valley Baptist Church, Village of the Vine, WGY Radio, 


 AEC-I Decide copyright 7/2010-2015

Deborah and Arline

Our own "Treasure" at Landmark Church's annual Block Party with Co-Directors Vince Ferraccioli and Deborah Ferraccioli and friends.

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